Dermot's Room
Dermot's room caters for babies from 6 months of age. The room is self contained with its own sleep room and separate changing area. We provide care from 8.30am to 6pm Monday to Friday. Read more.
Florian and Elizabeth's room
Full day care
Our Preschool full day care is open from 8.30am to 6pm as part of our full day care service. Children move to Florian's or Elizabeth's preschool rooms from Dermot's room at approximately 2 years of age. (this is flexible depending on the needs of the child). Read more.
Our after schools service collects children from St. Etchen school in the afternoons. The service operates throughout the school year. We also provide an out of schools service for 'In service' days, mid term breaks and other school holidays. Read more.
Preschool (ECCE)
If your child qualifies for Free Preschool in September 2023 please book immediately. If you wish your child to attend Cairdeas for their free preschool year in the future please book their place as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Read more.